How to Adult…

So it seems that as of late, I am really losing the concept of how to properly adult. I am about to be 32 (WHEW I KNOW) in a few months and I feel like life is hitting me all too hard lately.

I have made a list of what my life has become now that I am officially a mom/adult.

  1. 80% of the time I look like complete and utter shit. Like I could almost (not quite) qualify for a “people of Walmart” photo op.
  2. Workout pants (or leggings) have become crucial in my every day attire, even if I dont plan on working out.
  3. No matter what I am doing later, once I get home I ALWAYS change back into workout attire or sleepwear.
  4. Style of Bras are no longer important and I’ve noticed that they are all tan….
  5. Everything droops.
  6. I lose something daily – mostly my mind.
  7. 5 hours is my new norm of getting enough sleep.
  8. Every day I contemplate how to make money without getting out of bed…can laying in bed be a job?? Hmm…coming back to that.
  9. DVR is my life – I cant even finish a 30 minute show in one sitting.
  10. Arguing with customer service is actually fun because at least you get some sort of adult interaction & aggression out at the same time.
  11. My bank account looks so much smaller at the end of the month.
  12. You remember those college moments when you were at a bar drunk & spent money wildly because you were single, mingling & having OH so much fun & didn’t care?? Well, remember the day after when you wake up & check your account to realize you spent HOW MUCH!!!!??? Yeah well, thats my life after every doctor/pharmacy visit for my child.
  13. Talking on the phone becomes something I avoid. Only call if its important!
  14. I actually contemplated how to get a cute “mom” hair cut.
  15. I cry EVERY time I hear a song about a child or listen to a miracle story, now that Im a mom.
  16. I actually have patience – except in the car – forget about that.
  17. I find that I actually prefer to be alone, when I have some free time.
  18. I refuse to buy MOM jeans – I would rather die than be caught dead in that.
  19. I am SO VERY happy that high waisted bathing suits are “in” this year.
  20. The other day in class, I overheard one of my students tell another student “Ms. Cox is mean and nice…shes like a mom – she gets on to you, but can be cool too.” That made me smile.

Life has changed so much for me since having a child and I haven’t quite figured out this adulting thing. Honestly, I hope I never do. Living in the moment keeps me young at heart and one day I hope my daughter learns to value each moment of her life.

There are days when I wish I could go back and start over now that I am older and wiser, but the truth is, I feel that you are never really “too old” to try new things and begin again. Life is about experiencing all that you can before you die and I can say with complete certainty that I have lived my life to the fullest thus far. I still have A LOT of things to do and places to see, but I know that the day is not over yet & life has just begun.


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